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Be a global citizen in a diverse world.We develop people’s talents to manage today and future challenges and opportunities.


Today’s world is a convergence of diversity, generations, cultures and world views. We work with clients from education sectors and businesses in order to create a dialogue between learning and application, between people from all generations and different cultures.

We facilitate cross-learning to make this world an inclusive and meaningful place for all. 

Jina Kim-Prunera MA, Associate Certified Coach (ACC)




Jina was born in South Korea, grew up in Austria, studied in France, lived and worked in the Netherlands, is married to a Spanish-Catalan, lives in the UK and is actively engaged in the International-German school of her children. Her passion is to work with people from all diverse backgrounds and to support them in growing their talents and skills. Jina is an advocate of the Sustainable Development Goals 4 - Quality Education - (by the United Nations) and continuous development, which she puts into the heart of all her work. 


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